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This painting is an extension of a previous work in the series '22 Seconds'. The whole work is in two colours, red and black. The red in the painting is sprayed with spray paint over and over again to let it flow down naturally. The red paint is repeatedly sprayed with another layer before it dries, so that the red paint on the painting looks thick and layered. The figures in the painting are hiding under these heavy layers of red paint. This really conveys the feeling of mental anguish that I wanted. The figures are wrapped in a cotton-like material, like newborn embryos. The curled up body expresses the unease and fear of the figure in this state.

What I want to convey in this work is that often when we are faced with some very painful emotions, we feel largely helpless and powerless, just like the characters in the painting. Often there is no way to face these pains. Like the people in the painting, we hide in a place where we think we are safe to escape from reality, but this often does not help.



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