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​Unit 1Process


Inspired while looking at the Natural History Museum. In many ancient mythological stories moths usually symbolise spirits, nightmares, and bad symbols. So many moths were designed to be peeled off from the human head layer by layer.

All of the moth motifs are from some real world museum specimens. I think this naturalistic motif is very reminiscent of pain, loss, the soul and other things about death. In my research I have found that some mystical tribes in Africa treat the moth as a feature of death or a dead soul. The single black and white colour palette in particular gives the whole piece a heavy sense of atmosphere.


This is the paper burning experiment


The burned pieces of paper are continuously reconstructed and pieced together to create a sense of fragmentation.

The research of string theory and the study of device materials

Interactive burning of small notes with words of remembrance with the audience. Finally until they are burnt to ashes.

Video of the process of breaking a glass head

Broken glass reassembled.



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