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MAMA!How should I escape this labyrinth

This series is the Labyrinth series. All six paintings of varying sizes are painted with silk, and the whole series is painted with lead powder. The lead powder, combined with water and gum, is very fluid and indeterminate on the silk. I use it over and over again on the silk to let it flow down naturally, with the first layer covering the texture of the second. But because it is silk, it also reveals the underlying texture. The whole black environment feels very much like some gloomy and melancholic scenes from my dreams. This whole body of work is a description of my dreams. I often dream that I am in a very dark environment, where there are big labyrinths. I often search these labyrinths, but I don't know what I'm looking for. This state is very much like me in real life, very confused and miserable. And the environment presented by the lead powder is a true reflection of this unknown emotion.

The people and things I see in my dreams are all in a fragmented state, so all the figures in my pictures are like broken porcelain. All the figures I paint want to reflect my inner self, which is always in a wrapped up state. Or a state of fragmentation and powerlessness.



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