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Artist's statement

I am MIN ZENG. Currently a postgraduate student from the Department of Fine Art drawing at the University Art of the London.
The current intention is to live and work in London. My work is mainly based on painting installation. Exploring the main theme of pain, death and longing. Focusing on the relationship and interaction between space and people. Using different drawing methods and techniques to exploit the different possibilities of materials in my work. Exploring the nature of colour and materials. I see creation as an exploration and a challenge to myself.
The current phase of work looks at and examines idea and topics around spiritual suffering. I mostly expressed idea over this subject with installations and drawings. Exploring the relationship between different materials that pull and balance with each other. Three of mu paintings around the theme of death are on display at the Boomer Gallery in 2021.
In my current work, I study the relationship between the string theory and the human spirit and how to use matter to realize the concept of strings. I am interested in how painting achieves access to materiality, material texture and thinking outside the two-dimensional space.
In exploring my own pain as well as thoughts, memories and some of the negative emotions or powerlessness that all humans have. I have tried to repeatedly emphasise and reveal their neglected state through tangible sensory means as well as bright red colors.
In the future, I would like to explore the integration of VR or 3D technology into my work. 3D technology allows for a very visual representation of the relationship between dimensions and people. It is more capable of realising many of the more abstract ideas. At the same time VR allows for audience participation and interaction. I think this would be an extremely new challenge.

Work Experience

June 2018 - May 2018

July 2019 - May 2019

January 2020 - June 2020

December 2021 

The installation about religion is on display at the K11 Art Village Art Museum in Wuhan.

Founded GUAN BEI YOU art studio and public website. Publishes articles related to artworks.

Undergraduate degree from Birmingham City University, UK.

Three paintings on view at Boomer Gallery on 17 December 2021.

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