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Memories of me

This work is a continuation of '22 Seconds'. I have used a combination of textile materials, candles and wood panels in the medium. In this work I want to convey a state of being in any kind of intimate relationship. In the subject of postgraduate death. In fact there are many branches to study. In experiencing life and death first hand I thought about the unacceptable state of escapism, especially in the painting where a large amount of textile material is used to cover up the fragmentation of the five senses. On the opposite side of the panel is a completely covered eye, as if the soul is hiding in the burnt textile and peering out into the world. The red candle on the panel burns and flows over time in an unruly and savage manner throughout the painting. The redness is more like blood, a savage and direct way of expressing my inner pain and struggle.

In exploring the relationship between life and death and people. A lot of the inspiration comes from some of the traditional Chinese culture of martyrdom. In many traditional cultures red candles are used to worship or remember the deceased. Guests who come to remember the deceased send is to send paper money, incense, candles and other items, and one of these candles is the red candle, which expresses respect for the host family and remembrance of the deceased. At the same time the red candle also represents strength and energy. The inclusion of this element in this piece is actually intended to express that when you experience life and death you actually feel that a part of your body has gone with the person who has passed away. The mirror hanging on the wall allows each person passing by to see themselves through the mirror. As the red wax splits the mirror. The viewer often sees themselves as incomplete. It is more like a reflection of the soul itself of each person passing by.



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